New Zealand Statistical Association

NZSA 2009

Victoria University of Wellington

Conference Timetable

All talks are in the Cotton (CO) building, while all food and refreshments are served in the Foyer of the Maclaurin building, where Poster Presentations will be displayed - only 1 minute from the talks, with internal access. For locations, please see the VUW Campus Map (pdf). Signs will be out to help with directions.

Please see the Conference Programme for further details, including links to abstracts for the talks in the various contributed sessions.

Wednesday 2 September

Time Event Location
8.30am onwards Registration Maclaurin building, Foyer
9.00-9.10am Welcome and Housekeeping CO LT122
9.10-10.10am Plenary Talk 1, Matt Wand CO LT122
10.10-10.30am Morning Tea/Coffee Maclaurin building, Foyer
10.30am-12.10pm Contributed Sessions A (5 talks x 3 streams) CO LT122, CO 118, CO 119
12.10-1.10pm Lunch Maclaurin building, Foyer
1.10-2.50pm Contributed Sessions B (5 talks x 3 streams) CO LT122, CO 118, CO 119
2.50-3.20pm Afternoon Tea/Coffee Maclaurin building, Foyer
3.20-5.00pm Contributed Sessions C (5 talks x 3 streams) CO LT122, CO 118, CO 119
5.05pm NZSA Annual General Meeting CO LT122
7.00pm Pre-dinner drinks The Skyline restaurant, 1 Upland Rd, Kelburn
7.30pm Conference Dinner The Skyline restaurant, 1 Upland Rd, Kelburn

Thursday 3 September

Time Event Location
9.00-10.40am Contributed Sessions D (5 talks x 3 streams) CO LT122, CO 118, CO 119
10.40-11.00am Morning Tea/Coffee Maclaurin building, Foyer
11.00-12noon Plenary Talk 2, Vijay Nair CO LT122
12.00-1.00pm Lunch Maclaurin building, Foyer
1.00-2.00pm Session on the future of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics and
Statistics Education parallel workshops: first set
CO LT122 and
CO 118, CO 119
2.00-3.00pm Statistics Education talks; first three talks CO LT122
3.00-3.20pm Afternoon Tea/Coffee Maclaurin building, Foyer
3.20-4.00pm Statistics Education talks; last two talks CO LT122
4.00-5.00pm Statistics Education parallel workshops: second set CO 118, CO 119
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